5.119 produkter
Current Issues in Work and Organizational Psychology
609 kr.
mandag, 10 feb.Supporting People with Intellectual Disabilities Experiencing Loss and Bereavement
425 kr.
mandag, 10 feb.Rhetoric and Culture in Lacan
352 kr.
torsdag, 27 feb.Clinical Psychology
817 kr.
onsdag, 12 feb.Handbook of Behavioral State Control
1.897 kr.
mandag, 10 feb.Suicide Among the Armed Forces
1.201 kr.
mandag, 10 feb.Memory, War and Trauma
256 kr.
mandag, 10 feb.Jung
340 kr.
mandag, 10 feb.Kultur und Psyche
145 kr.
mandag, 10 feb.A Comprehensive Guide to Music Therapy, 2nd Edition
495 kr.
mandag, 10 feb.Bion in New York and São Paulo
375 kr.
onsdag, 12 feb.Psychiatry Morning Report: Beyond the Pearls
331 kr.
mandag, 10 feb.Psychology After Discourse Analysis
476 kr.
mandag, 10 feb.Psychology and the Paranormal
1.128 kr.
mandag, 10 feb.Man and His Symbols
147 kr.
torsdag, 6 feb.Freud
157 kr.
tirsdag, 4 feb.Bruddstykke av en hysterianalyse
293 kr.
torsdag, 6 feb.Analysing Qualitative Data in Psychology
539 kr.
mandag, 10 feb.Psychoanalysis and Other Matters
454 kr.
mandag, 10 feb.Hjernerystelse
340 kr.
torsdag, 6 feb.Preventing Boundary Violations in Clinical Practice
488 kr.
mandag, 10 feb.The Anatomy Of Melancholy
339 kr.
torsdag, 6 feb.Kritische Psychologie
190 kr.
torsdag, 6 feb.Disordered Personalities and Crime
536 kr.
mandag, 10 feb.Developing New Clinical Roles
419 kr.
onsdag, 12 feb.Depersonalization
1.029 kr.
torsdag, 27 feb.Evidence-Based Practice in Dementia for Nurses and Nursing Students
355 kr.
mandag, 10 feb.Pain Neuroethics and Bioethics
1.439 kr.
onsdag, 12 feb.Ethics for Global Mental Health
476 kr.
mandag, 10 feb.Endlich Ruhe im Kopf
196 kr.
torsdag, 20 feb.Music Therapy: Intimate Notes
334 kr.
mandag, 10 feb.Psykoterapi
626 kr.
mandag, 3 feb.Music Therapy in a Multicultural Context
444 kr.
mandag, 10 feb.Clinical Handbook for the Management of Mood Disorders
662 kr.
torsdag, 27 feb.Human Saliva, Volume II
3.870 kr.
mandag, 10 feb.Contemporary Capitalism and Mental Health
922 kr.
torsdag, 6 feb.The Rise and Fall of the Age of Psychopharmacology
753 kr.
mandag, 10 feb.On the Dialectics of Psychoanalytic Practice
453 kr.
mandag, 10 feb.Critical Dementia Studies
1.474 kr.
torsdag, 6 feb.The Presence of the Absent
323 kr.
mandag, 10 feb.Supervision af psykoterapi og andet behandlingsarbejde
445 kr.
torsdag, 6 feb.Seelische Trümmer
226 kr.
torsdag, 6 feb.The A-Z of Loss
297 kr.
mandag, 10 feb.Psychoanalytic Reflections on a Changing World
441 kr.
mandag, 10 feb.Jung’s Cartography of the Psyche
1.634 kr.
torsdag, 6 feb.Projection, Identification, Projective Identification
478 kr.
torsdag, 6 feb.Psychoanalyse - Die Lehre Vom Unbewussten: Geschichte, Klinik Und PRAXIS
285 kr.
torsdag, 6 feb.Diagnostik und Verhaltensanalyse
322 kr.
torsdag, 6 feb.