10.640 produkter
Food and Power
320 kr.
torsdag, 6 feb.Störfall Pandemie und seine grenzüberschreitenden Wirkungen
557 kr.
torsdag, 16 jan.Hybridisodat
396 kr.
torsdag, 13 feb.Learning in Governance
465 kr.
torsdag, 16 jan.A Lacanian Conception of Populism
435 kr.
torsdag, 16 jan.United Nations Sanctions and the Rule of Law
1.178 kr.
torsdag, 30 jan.Making Socialists
924 kr.
Tidligere laveste pris:
969 kr.
mandag, 20 jan.Terrorism, Crime, and Public Policy
1.118 kr.
torsdag, 6 feb.Revolutionary State-Making in Dar es Salaam
287 kr.
torsdag, 6 feb.Civic Identity and Public Space
899 kr.
mandag, 20 jan.Democracy Incorporated
279 kr.
onsdag, 22 jan.Leadership in the U.S. Senate
476 kr.
mandag, 20 jan.Global Trends of Smart Cities
1.061 kr.
onsdag, 22 jan.State Corporatism and Proto-Industry
1.287 kr.
onsdag, 22 jan.State Formation through Emulation
917 kr.
mandag, 20 jan.Power and Protest at an American University
1.347 kr.
torsdag, 16 jan.The Genesis of America
320 kr.
torsdag, 30 jan.Ancient and Modern Practices of Citizenship in Asia and the West
1.339 kr.
torsdag, 16 jan.Uskonto ja maailmanpolitiikka
280 kr.
onsdag, 15 jan.The Economics of Violence
266 kr.
torsdag, 6 feb.Grassroots Activism and the Evolution of Transitional Justice
432 kr.
onsdag, 22 jan.The Essence of Politics
301 kr.
torsdag, 16 jan.Balkanizing Europeanization: Fight against Corruption and Regional Relations in the Western Balkans
549 kr.
torsdag, 16 jan.Politics and Violence in Central America and the Caribbean
627 kr.
torsdag, 16 jan.Humane Politics and Methods of Inquiry
1.141 kr.
mandag, 20 jan.The Dictator's Dilemma
305 kr.
torsdag, 16 jan.China and Vietnam
609 kr.
mandag, 20 jan.British Government and Politics
312 kr.
mandag, 20 jan.Public Sector Performance in the Netherlands
431 kr.
mandag, 20 jan.Post-Communist Democratization
885 kr.
torsdag, 6 feb.Implementering af politik
371 kr.
mandag, 20 jan.Disposing Dictators, Demystifying Voting Paradoxes
320 kr.
onsdag, 22 jan.The Routledge International Handbook of Universities, Security and Intelligence Studies
2.366 kr.
mandag, 20 jan.Discourse and Ideologies of the Radical Right
225 kr.
torsdag, 30 jan.Militant Democracy and its Critics
1.182 kr.
mandag, 20 jan.Judging Democracy
363 kr.
torsdag, 30 jan.Demokratimodeller
224 kr.
Tidligere laveste pris:
231 kr.
tirsdag, 14 jan.Families and States in Western Europe
711 kr.
torsdag, 30 jan.Party Policy in Modern Democracies
543 kr.
mandag, 20 jan.International Judicial Review
1.104 kr.
onsdag, 22 jan.Political Hegemony and Social Complexity
523 kr.
torsdag, 16 jan.Civil Society, Religion and Global Governance
1.729 kr.
mandag, 20 jan.Commodifying Communism
363 kr.
torsdag, 30 jan.Comparative Public Administration
195 kr.
torsdag, 16 jan.Policing in Israel
1.561 kr.
mandag, 20 jan.Global Environmental Politics
829 kr.
torsdag, 6 feb.Kuningasjako
267 kr.
onsdag, 15 jan.Toleration in Political Conflict
906 kr.
mandag, 20 jan.