5.565 produkter
325 kr.
mandag, 3 feb.Det epidemiske samfund
445 kr.
fredag, 7 feb.Barbara Wootton and the Legacy of a Pioneering Public Criminologist
1.561 kr.
fredag, 7 feb.Utopia Deferred
214 kr.
onsdag, 5 feb.Seeing Sociology
600 kr.
onsdag, 19 feb.Rengøring og samfundet
421 kr.
onsdag, 5 feb.Urban Modelling
406 kr.
onsdag, 19 feb.Marriage at the Crossroads
361 kr.
tirsdag, 11 feb.Välfärdsstatens socialservice under förändring
253 kr.
Tidligere laveste pris:
261 kr.
onsdag, 5 mar.The Emergence of the Middle Class
411 kr.
onsdag, 19 feb.Två kommunala rum : ledningsarbete i genusmärkta tekniska respektive omsorgs- och utbildningsverksamheter
120 kr.
fredag, 31 jan.White Space, Black Hood
310 kr.
onsdag, 5 feb.The Meaning of Race
517 kr.
fredag, 7 feb.Sociology as Applied to Health and Medicine
421 kr.
onsdag, 5 feb.Globalization and the Race to the Bottom in Developing Countries
1.026 kr.
onsdag, 19 feb.Reglernas utopi : om teknologi, enfald och byråkratins hemliga fröjder
203 kr.
Tidligere laveste pris:
209 kr.
onsdag, 5 feb.Social Changes in a Global World
427 kr.
fredag, 7 feb.Cosmopolitanism in Practice
1.395 kr.
onsdag, 5 feb.Social Theory Re-Wired
936 kr.
fredag, 7 feb.Working Parents and the Welfare State
841 kr.
onsdag, 26 feb.Why Does Inequality Matter?
397 kr.
fredag, 7 feb.Accounting for Tastes
384 kr.
fredag, 7 feb.Identitet
258 kr.
onsdag, 5 feb.Intersektionalität
170 kr.
onsdag, 5 feb.Experiencing Cities
1.022 kr.
onsdag, 5 feb.After Progress
166 kr.
fredag, 7 feb.Intensive Culture
1.615 kr.
fredag, 7 feb.Participatory Visual and Digital Research in Action
464 kr.
fredag, 7 feb.Diagnosing Social Pathology
351 kr.
fredag, 7 feb.Økonomisk sosiologi
276 kr.
onsdag, 5 feb.Identity in Question
486 kr.
fredag, 7 feb.Routledge Handbook of International Political Sociology
2.476 kr.
fredag, 7 feb.Transnational Perspectives on Culture, Policy, and Education
375 kr.
onsdag, 19 feb.Singlehood in Europe: Rates and Factors Associated with Happiness
422 kr.
onsdag, 5 feb.Families Shamed
470 kr.
fredag, 7 feb.Patrons, Clients and Friends
591 kr.
onsdag, 26 feb.Injustice in Urban Sustainability
559 kr.
fredag, 7 feb.Asian Voices in a Post-Colonial Age
671 kr.
fredag, 7 feb.Housing Segregation in Suburban America since 1960
308 kr.
fredag, 7 feb.The Sociology of Social Problems
406 kr.
onsdag, 26 feb.Die offene Stadt. Eine Ethik des Bauens und Bewohnens
321 kr.
onsdag, 5 feb.Performance Constellations
1.057 kr.
onsdag, 5 feb.Das Soziologie-Buch
279 kr.
fredag, 7 feb.Comparative Perspectives on Social Movements
359 kr.
onsdag, 26 feb.Intellectuals and Race
258 kr.
onsdag, 5 feb.Social Inequality, Criminal Justice, and Race in Tennessee
873 kr.
fredag, 7 feb.Fantasy, Neoliberalism and Precariousness
603 kr.
onsdag, 5 feb.Religion in Sociological Perspective
1.294 kr.
onsdag, 5 feb.