571 produkter
Multidimensional Signal, Image, and Video Processing and Coding
819 kr.
fredag, 21 mar.Acousto-Optical Laser Systems for the Formation of Television Images
2.928 kr.
onsdag, 19 mar.Brilliant Adobe Photoshop CC
232 kr.
fredag, 14 mar.Trends in Digital Signal Processing
1.858 kr.
onsdag, 19 mar.Advanced Signal Processing
2.688 kr.
onsdag, 19 mar.Recent Trends in Computer-aided Diagnostic Systems for Skin Diseases
1.083 kr.
fredag, 21 mar.Sound Reproduction
750 kr.
mandag, 17 mar.CTS-D Certified Technology Specialist-Design Exam Guide, Second Edition
639 kr.
onsdag, 19 mar.Photoshop Elements Tips, Tricks & Shortcuts in easy steps
180 kr.
onsdag, 19 mar.Audio Production Basics with Logic Pro X
426 kr.
onsdag, 19 mar.Denken und Rechnen 1. Arbeitsheft mit CD-ROM. Grundschulen. Bayern
265 kr.
mandag, 17 mar.Digital Video Processing for Engineers
472 kr.
fredag, 21 mar.Advanced Machine Vision Paradigms for Medical Image Analysis
1.267 kr.
fredag, 21 mar.Head First
196 kr.
mandag, 17 mar.Pro Tools LE and M-Powered
610 kr.
onsdag, 19 mar.Advanced Ultrawideband Radar
2.500 kr.
onsdag, 19 mar.Grundlagen der Medienbildung - Medienkompetenz
305 kr.
mandag, 17 mar.Digitalisieren mit Hirn
415 kr.
onsdag, 19 mar.Digital Materialities
1.623 kr.
onsdag, 19 mar.Event-Based Control and Signal Processing
2.463 kr.
onsdag, 19 mar.Schreiben zu Bildern
94 kr.
mandag, 17 mar.Applications of Computer Vision in Fashion and Textiles
1.796 kr.
fredag, 21 mar.My Video Chat for Seniors
204 kr.
fredag, 21 mar.Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing
2.698 kr.
onsdag, 19 mar.An Introduction to Ray Tracing
574 kr.
fredag, 21 mar.Handbook of Visual Communications
512 kr.
fredag, 21 mar.Adobe Photoshop Visual QuickStart Guide
280 kr.
fredag, 21 mar.Multiscreen UX Design
512 kr.
fredag, 21 mar.Ambient Diagnostics
1.969 kr.
onsdag, 19 mar.Deep Learning Models for Medical Imaging
869 kr.
fredag, 21 mar.Att lyssna med ögat
146 kr.
torsdag, 13 mar.Low-Power Computer Vision
950 kr.
fredag, 21 mar.Real World Adobe Illustrator CS3, Adobe Reader
179 kr.
fredag, 21 mar.Machine Learning and Visual Perception
613 kr.
mandag, 17 mar.Bildung mit "Durchblick"
255 kr.
mandag, 17 mar.Radar Systems Analysis and Design Using MATLAB
1.306 kr.
mandag, 17 mar.Digitaalitekniikka A ja B
363 kr.
mandag, 14 apr.Multimedia Watermarking Techniques and Applications
1.549 kr.
onsdag, 19 mar.Fundamentals of Multimedia
1.099 kr.
mandag, 17 mar.15 Äänityön vinkkiä
171 kr.
onsdag, 19 mar.Physically Based Rendering
810 kr.
onsdag, 19 mar.A New History of Modern Computing
417 kr.
mandag, 17 mar.Window Functions and Their Applications in Signal Processing
2.449 kr.
onsdag, 19 mar.