It's robot rebellion, and nobody's safe! Least of all, Mega Man! This time the superpowerful cyborg takes on a horde of metal maniacs who've had it with being obedient! And they use every android-annihilator ever invented to make you believe it! Mega Man goes berserk, blasting through a galaxy of mining stations in search of energy crystals. But it takes more than guts to battle the phenomenal robot masters who control these worlds. It's a wrenching job, the worst - and the best - that Mega Man's faced so far!
","url":"","image":"","sku":"76115638","gtin":"7333148000964","productGroupID":"fec411b055b330db9ac2c9f7d6dc638e","brand":{"@type":"Brand","name":"Capcom"},"offers":{"@type":"Offer","url":"","priceCurrency":"DKK","price":2995,"priceValidUntil":"2025-02-25T23:59:59.999+00:00","itemCondition":"","availability":"","seller":{"@type":"Organization","name":"CDON"},"shippingDetails":{"@id":"#shipping_policy","@type":"OfferShippingDetails","deliveryTime":{"@type":"ShippingDeliveryTime","handlingTime":{"@type":"QuantitativeValue","minValue":0,"maxValue":1,"unitCode":"DAY"},"transitTime":{"@type":"QuantitativeValue","minValue":3,"maxValue":5,"unitCode":"DAY"}}}},"variesBy":[""],"hasVariant":[{"@type":"Product","url":"","sku":"76115493","gtin":"7333148000957","image":"","name":"Mega Man 3 - Nintendo 8-bit/NES - PAL B/SCN (BRUGT VARE)","description":"
Brugt vare.
Releasedatum: 1992-02-20
Regionskod: NES-XU-SCN
Antal spelare: 1
Utgivare: Capcom
Genre: Plattform
It's robot rebellion, and nobody's safe! Least of all, Mega Man! This time the superpowerful cyborg takes on a horde of metal maniacs who've had it with being obedient! And they use every android-annihilator ever invented to make you believe it! Mega Man goes berserk, blasting through a galaxy of mining stations in search of energy crystals. But it takes more than guts to battle the phenomenal robot masters who control these worlds. It's a wrenching job, the worst - and the best - that Mega Man's faced so far!
","size":"Endast Kassett","offers":{"@type":"Offer","url":"","priceCurrency":"DKK","price":895,"shippingDetails":{"@id":"#shipping_policy"}}},{"@type":"Product","url":"","sku":"76115638","gtin":"7333148000964","image":"","name":"Mega Man 3 - Nintendo 8-bit/NES - PAL B/SCN (BRUGT VARE)","description":"
Brugt vare.
Releasedatum: 1992-02-20
Regionskod: NES-XU-SCN
Antal spelare: 1
Utgivare: Capcom
Genre: Plattform
It's robot rebellion, and nobody's safe! Least of all, Mega Man! This time the superpowerful cyborg takes on a horde of metal maniacs who've had it with being obedient! And they use every android-annihilator ever invented to make you believe it! Mega Man goes berserk, blasting through a galaxy of mining stations in search of energy crystals. But it takes more than guts to battle the phenomenal robot masters who control these worlds. It's a wrenching job, the worst - and the best - that Mega Man's faced so far!