ABS material is generally very durable and strong, slightly flexible and quite resistant to heat. It has good shock absorbing properties and great plastic properties. It solidifies quickly, durable and difficult to break, ideal for mechanical parts.
ABS Filament is generally operated at the temperature around 210-250℃. Because of the feature of ABS material, ABS Filament cools down quickly, so 3D Printer need a heated print bed(around 110℃)to process ABS filament, in order to prevent warping or cracking of the printed object. ABS filament is better printed in a well ventilated area.
ABS is used in a very large variety of applications in the industry nowadays. Its strength, flexibility, machinability, and higher temperature resistance make it often a preferred plastic for engineers, and professional applications.
ABS can easily be sanded(to smooth the printed objects and removed jagged edged) and painted. The ABS printed parts can simply be glued together and it is soluble in acetone.