Social & gruppepsykologi
5.343 produkter
Modern Impact and Penetration Mechanics
1.080 kr.
tirsdag, 4 mar.Be a Scientist: Investigating Forces
161 kr.
torsdag, 13 feb.Material Geometry: Groupoids In Continuum Mechanics
899 kr.
mandag, 17 feb.CCEA A2 Unit 1 Physics Student Guide: Deformation of solids, thermal physics, circular motion, oscillations and atomic and nuclear physics
190 kr.
torsdag, 13 feb.Theory and Modeling of Dispersed Multiphase Turbulent Reacting Flows
950 kr.
mandag, 17 feb.Quantum Mechanics
291 kr.
tirsdag, 11 feb.Radiation Detection
1.506 kr.
torsdag, 13 feb.Inverse Problems in Engineering Mechanics III
2.456 kr.
mandag, 17 feb.Theoretical Physics for Biological Systems
1.760 kr.
torsdag, 13 feb.Activate Physics Student Book
395 kr.
tirsdag, 11 feb.Frobenius Algebras and 2-D Topological Quantum Field Theories
1.357 kr.
tirsdag, 4 mar.Bygningsfysikk
705 kr.
fredag, 7 feb.What was the name of Schrödinger's cat? : the solution of the quantum physics
166 kr.
torsdag, 13 feb.Superconductivity, Superfluids and Condensates
501 kr.
tirsdag, 11 feb.Nonlinear Dynamics
556 kr.
tirsdag, 11 feb.Atomen - utan kvarkar : introduktion till ett nytt naturvetenskapligt paradigm
183 kr.
tirsdag, 11 feb.Dorn / Bader Physik SI 7 / 8. Lösungen. Baden-Württemberg
220 kr.
tirsdag, 11 feb.Physics of Massive Neutrinos
515 kr.
tirsdag, 4 mar.James Clerk Maxwell
327 kr.
tirsdag, 25 feb.Maxwell's Enduring Legacy
618 kr.
mandag, 17 feb.Uber Physikalische Kraftlinien
250 kr.
torsdag, 13 feb.Die Lebendige Kraft Und Ihr Mass
365 kr.
torsdag, 13 feb.Advanced Functional Materials
1.265 kr.
mandag, 17 feb.Observational Foundations of Physics
432 kr.
tirsdag, 4 mar.Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of Rare Earths
2.354 kr.
mandag, 17 feb.Classical Kinetic Theory of Weakly Turbulent Nonlinear Plasma Processes
1.538 kr.
mandag, 17 feb.Synchrotron Radiation and Structural Proteomics
1.337 kr.
torsdag, 13 feb.Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics, Study Pack, SI Edition
243 kr.
Tidligere laveste pris:
250 kr.
mandag, 17 feb.Superstring Theory
596 kr.
tirsdag, 11 feb.Physical Oceanography of Continental Shelves
701 kr.
torsdag, 13 feb.Introduction To Black Holes, Information And The String Theory Revolution, An: The Holographic Universe
247 kr.
tirsdag, 11 feb.Solid State Physics
1.947 kr.
mandag, 17 feb.New Directions in Linear Acoustics and Vibration
1.178 kr.
tirsdag, 4 mar.Singularities: Formation, Structure, and Propagation
512 kr.
mandag, 17 feb.Geometrical Optics of Weakly Anisotropic Media
1.727 kr.
torsdag, 13 feb.Statistical Mechanics
572 kr.
mandag, 17 feb.Road to Reality
333 kr.
torsdag, 13 feb.Dissociative Recombination of Molecular Ions
754 kr.
tirsdag, 4 mar.Elements of Natural Philosophy
305 kr.
tirsdag, 25 feb.Classical Dynamics: A Modern Perspective
524 kr.
torsdag, 13 feb.Bosonization and Strongly Correlated Systems
602 kr.
torsdag, 13 feb.Advanced Computational Fluid and Aerodynamics
552 kr.
torsdag, 13 feb.Physik Für Mediziner, Biologen, Pharmazeuten
330 kr.
tirsdag, 11 feb.Senit
462 kr.
fredag, 7 feb.Analysis, Manifolds and Physics Revised Edition
756 kr.
mandag, 17 feb.The Finite Element Method
1.539 kr.
torsdag, 13 feb.Fractional-Order Models for Nuclear Reactor Analysis
1.744 kr.
mandag, 17 feb.Introduction to High Energy Physics
838 kr.
tirsdag, 4 mar.